Our Services

Financial Record Keeping / Bookkeeping

• Source documents, both physical and electronic, that show transaction dates and amounts
• Contracts and other legal documents

Tax Preparation / Regulartory Compliance

• Complying with rules, laws & regulations
• Preparation of a tax return
• Prepare anyone compensated for preparing return/claim of refund

Governance / Internal Control

• Internal audits
• Internal controls – financial information reliability, maintaining effectiveness and efficiency of operations & meeting compliance with laws & regulations

Compliance Services

• Rules
• Regulations
• Standards
• Policies
• Laws
• Requirements

Accounts / Financial Statements Preparation

• Completing the accounting cycle
(Identifying, analysing, recording & preparing)

Financial Analysis / Financial Control

• Develop
• Manage
• Boosts
• Test of profitability
• Test of financial health

Business Services

• Registration, Tax Registration & FRCS online portal setup
• Business Plan
• Loan Application
• Cashflow